name: that girl in pink
location: Somewhere, India
my complete profile
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Something New
Tis December. The season to be jolly, start thinking about how to handle the whole New Year saga, attend three weddings a day if you’re in India and *gulp* reflect on what you’ve achieved in the past year. Usually, if the wedding food hasn’t killed you, the reflecting will make you wish it had. And before you know it, you’re pulling out that list you wrote your resolutions on, turning it over and writing a pithy little suicide note. I can’t okay!!! I give up.So you’ve got a gist of what I’m talking about. Small desires, big dreams, your list can include anything. It’s about putting ideas out there, it’s about saying what’s in your heart, it’s about making a start.
I would also like to request everyone to maintain a few seconds of silence to grieve the loss of Max, George Clooney's pet pig. (Actually you probably have been silently reading all this time so it's alright then, you may talk.)
George, I'd like you to know that at this difficult time, I'm here for you and am willing to comfort you in any fashion you'd like. If you're feeling the loss of your dear pet, I'm willing to hang with you in your house and punctuate my conversation with an oink oink here and an oink oink there. I know its a little unorthodox, I'm just saying...
Also a special shout out for my friend Rocket, who's birthday it is today. Have a good one darling!!!!!
Posted by that girl in pink
| 1:49 pm
Superb post pink! and i would want to contribute geberously to the cause of 1. I even volunteer to be the guinea pig on whom the developed products may be tried (lol)! all to alleviate unneccessary buldges and keep things light!
Thank you :) Trawled through your blog today and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
My only resolution for 2007 is to read Pink’s blog 25 times a day instead of just the usual 10 because it makes me grin like a loon, and Bless you for that, Girl!:)))
*Standing ovation*
I'm glad you've zeroed in on what ails the likes of us and how we could work towards the betterment of those situations... And i cant tell you how bloody deprived Fabulous Life makes me feel! Seriously!
And all those posh luxury labels we look so longingly at are completely worth every penny. I recently "borrowed" some stuff from Ferragamo for a shoot and I didnt have the heart to return the stuff without at least trying it on myself just once. Guess what? The shoes were such dreamy buttery leather and made me look like a million bucks. I'm proud of my strength of character when I took them off and went to return them.
Sigh! And come to think, there are people in this world who'd just buy those $1000 boots to wear them ONCE!
P.S. Heyyyy Lemontree!! Where've you been, woman???
arent u sweet?
fat free choc, odourless ciggies....
God Bless you woman!!!
Hahaha! This is SO SO funny:-) I am gonna join the bandwagon and be a regular here now!
Yeah,I agree, why dont they simply pull up the lengths of a sari.....Id love to wear one such at some family wedding and scandalise all my relatives:pp
My first visit here...from Nessa's place. Was drawn in with the color P.I.N.K. My new favorite color. I was doing pretty well until I got stranded in the Vandana Luthra link. (I'm computer illiterate, and didn't know what to do to get out) Now, your attempt at making this resolution list is wholly commendable and I applaud your efforts...If I may, I would like to add my two-cents worth... I've just learned that the fat from the 'body fat suction' process can now be used as a fuel for our cars.
So, maybe, just leave the fat in the chocolate and cheese. We might not have an energy crisis on our hands. For the odorless cigarettes, maybe make them chocolate flavored so people will eat them instead of smoke them. For the saree problem, have you tried duct tape? I totally agree with the last one. Charity for the Swampwitch...
LOL! I have another suggestion for that list - CREATE BLOGROLL!!!!!
and ahem oink, oink.
hey.. good to have u back.. i kinda stopped chceking after a while, till i saw ur comment..
Pink: I'm glad to see something new and a fantastic idea it is too.
I am looking for a rich donar, too. I am a worthy cause.
I don't know why, but the idea that George Clooney had a pig for a pet freaked me out.
Pink, I've eaten fat free cheese. And I think it tastes like a cross between um wet cottonwool and old stale soggy bread. You dont want to eat that. No siree, you dont.
As usual yet another wonderful post Pink! But you don't want 100% fat-free choclate and cheese! I've had the misfortune of tasting both...the 100%fat-free and sugar free chocolate tastes like a lump of mud and the fat free cheese like chalk...disgusting!!!!
And which planet have you been on all these years...Hindi film costume designers invented the mini-saree atleast half-a-century ago! Remember Saira Banu, Mumtaaz, Mala Sinha pretending to be the shy gaon ki gori and cavorting around in those obscenely tight mini-saree creations?!Do you really want to wear one of those? :-)
wake me up when #1's done!
Thanks lemon, and welcome back to the world of blogging! i thought you'd appreciate 1 as well. high time they developed something, don't you think?
thanks spicy chai!
quicksilver: *blush* you're too kind. tee hee!
yeah vij, we are suffering from the curse of the middle class. water water everywhere, can't afford any to drink...
lalit: really quite generous of me eh?
iris: oh those damn sarees! and if you atempt wearing those thermal inner things under it (like i did a couple of days back), you really are completely screwed.
Fat free chocolate tastes like cardboard and I agree with Punkster on the fat-free cheese. The invention has to be "fat-free but with no changes in taste" chocolates and cheese.
And yeah...what's it with hot guys and weird pets eh?
"Be more charitable towards not necessarily deserving people."
I wish this would come true. no, not with you but with me.
swampwitch: ;-) your idea of chocolate flavoured ciggies is definitely less harmful than mine.
do come back!
essar!: one person who gets why its not weird to want be a hog.
pwf: thanks for dropping by! and i will update more often.
hey nessa: yeah, that does seem to be everyone's favourite resolution!
george clooney is so hot that he's allowed hsi quirks, even if it that means having a pig as a pet.
punkster: no no! you're not getting it. none of the fat, but ALL of the taste!!! the common man will never know it has no fat until he turns the wrapper and sees the nutrition info. and what a nice surprise that'll be...:)
tee hee nautilius, you're right! i totally forgot about those silly village belle outfits. oh god, they were awful!!! i don't want them back!
will do shub! :)
I certainly like the idea of making resolutions for other people, and telling them exactly how they can improve themselves. In fact, I already do it all the time, but this way, I can do it in the spirit of improving the world.
So today I'm going to tell my colleague that her hairstyle makes her look like something particularly vile has died on her head, and if she can't fix it or pay a proper stylist to resuscitate the beast, she should just shave it all off, because life's too short to look so friggin' hideous - and Happy New Year!
I feel like an absolute devil...but mwahahhaha...u fat people! you want to eat chocolates and ice-creams and mithai and umn...all those fattening stuff!mwahahha...I dont! I feel above all you mortals...the things is I somehow can't eat sweets. My only fav in sweets is rasmalai and even that I can't go beyond two!! haven't eaten a chocolates in ages...Icecreams...well, but they are not that fattenin no?:)
umn...I'd like fat free cheese tho:)
(BTW, first visit here, liked your blog:)pink not my fav color, but liked this shade of pink:))
reading your post has made me crave chocolates and cheese filled italian food in the middle of the night...darn!
My new year resolution is to find as many pics of beautiful women as I can and post them on my blog for all to see and admire. Of course, no nudity included. Just plain beauty!!
But when are you going to be writing again?
hey freespirit! you got it right. none of the fat, ALL of the taste!!
arunima, i'm in line first! not that anyone's planning to dole out any cash towards us...:(
jay: so didja tell her? you kind hearted thing you...
hi thereyashita! envy you for your natural aversion towards chocolates. wish i had such tastes in life.
thanks for the compliment! :)
heyheh? ok! :) sorry for bringing on the hunger pangs. its the damn cold weather. makes you wanna eat and eat and eat!
umi b: hmmm...i'm sure you'll be fulfilling the wishes of a lot of people out there. who know? maybe seeing those beautiful women will naturally put me off the fatty stuff i crave!
hmmmm... nice blog!
Wishing you the best for a happy, healthy New Year.
Thank you so much for the burde wishes - love ya! Also, thank you for hand-holding my dear boyfriend while he went thru an ordeal trying to figure out the right gift ;) God bless you!
By the way, you blog is on my list of must reads everyday - so you better get around to updating it more frequently. I've been lazy with posting comments but i promise to improve if you write more often :)
Err, abt the odourless ciggies - i can see how it'll benefit you in particular *evil grin*
-Rocket a.k.a. UrPublicist
thanks claytonia vices!
same to you nessa!!
publicist: you're welcome darling! it was my pleasure really. wish i could make a career out of helping people shop. :)
just stumbled by.. makes for some interesting reading :)
chocolates are fun only cuz they've got all that fat and u know consuming 'em is not gonna result in a flattering waistline but u wanna anyway. It's the forbidden fruit syndrome. Sigh, why does life have to be so hard?
LOl...loved the post, liked the blog. Happy new year. Oh and I think Bollywood already invented the mini-saree...check out all the semi-mythologicals/gaon ki gori-shehri babu kind of stories, the heroine is always in some knee-length white cotton thing with flowers everywhere else.
Come on Pink! Happy New Year! Now this is what I don't like about you..your hiatus every month...come out now, write something
Happy New Year Pink! High as a kite. That's the way to be.
Oy! Wish you a great new 2007 lady! Hope all is well! BTW like your idea abt the shortened sari! :)
dear cuz, feel so proud of your superior abilities to increase people's blood supply by 1 kg per reading (translation of a certain hindi muhavara).. just passed by to check if you had written something new and was delighted to find this hilarious piece.. ! RJ
I'm sorry Pink but monthly blog installments just wont do in 2007!
Please put up something new ASAP!
New post! New post!
Stumbled on ur blog as part of my blog hopping exercise for loony mela. I plan to link this post and also your how advertising improved ur vocab post, you got any suggestions to link something else by you?
My first visit here and rather intrigued.. You write really well.. Nice post :)
imperative: you MUST post more!!!
post post!
You have to change the title of your post.
Isn't it about time for a post??