name: that girl in pink
location: Somewhere, India
my complete profile
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Delhi Diary
I hate kids. And today they drove me to tears...Dinesh, the Math Wizard.
Posted by that girl in pink | 1:40 am | 14 comments
Awww...i know what u mean! I hate kids. But when i say that, i mostly mean those smart alecky short adults (and the fat ones) at McDonald's with names like Aryan and Rhea etc. And the kids, like the ones that come to yr mum's school have that completely other-worldly quality about them. I know 2 little girls my mum is sponsoring...i feel so happy meeting them and talking to them and watching their bright eyed amazemnt at some things! They dont want to dress like Preity Zinta from salaam namaste (yes, i've seen brats doing that too!) and they can be really really articulate and intelligent in a very non-showoffish way!
God bless yr mum for running this school and helping so many little children!
Sometimes I hate kids too, and I used to teach them, plus I'm a mom. The ones I hate are the ones whose parents are into the forbidden fruit concept; they can't do this--they can't do that, and then they come to my house and destroy it or try to get my son into acting like a real jerk. My son has a friend whose parents are strict quakers; when this kid comes to my house, everything is a gun and he's always grabbing at his crotch. I don't like to tell his mom, because she is convinced it's my fault because I am such a heathen.
Anyway, sorry for going on. I've been meaning to check out your blog and I'm glad I did!
good work your mom's doing (and vee vee's mom too, as i just found out). well, yes, innocent kids are innocent kids...
Hey! Loved yr comment on VG's page! Would be great to start a debate there on the lines of ...Pictures of Naked Women are a bad bad idea 'cos they'll draw attention away from Barkha Dutt!
OK., I admit i'm thouroughly jobless!
By the way, what do u think of my new template? (Put up with help from VG)
vij: "They dont want to dress like Preity Zinta from salaam namaste and they can be really really articulate and intelligent in a very non-showoffish way!" You just summed up my entire blog in one articulate sentence! now i feel like an ass :)
but seriously, the world we live in is a bit scary, don't you think? for the haves and the have-nots.
enemy: the weirdest co-incidence. the day you came here was the first day i visited your blog!
i don't see myself having kids in the next 65 years but in case i change my mind, i knw i'd be scared shitless. the reality is that kids turn out how they do, depending on how we bring them up...
thanks for dropping by & leaving a comment.
VG: still trying to figure out your cryptic comment: "innocent kids are innocent kids..." :-)
thanks for coming by.
some time back i left comment on your blog on the edward hopper post. was most moved by that post. hope you read it...
as the levels of competitiveness get pushed higher and higher, i believe that it will either reach a saturation level one day, or if the Darwin's right, we might see evolution in motion. a newer and improved generation of humans, where kids grow up, mentally, in a matter of a few months and start their PhDs by age of five, perhaps. if this keeps on happening even then, we will have smart embryos and what not, in the distant future. the light shimmering at the end of the horizon doesnt seem that bright anymore.
absobluminutely fabulous.
i've discovered kids only recently. sigh.
and the tea, the morning tea with separate sugar... and tea on a tray, and tch. way to go!
loved your post pink. in the 90 kmph life of bombay, i can't remember the last time i was truly touched, inspired or moved.
oh no! i do. sample this. the agency i work at, the owner's kids come to office to skate. an art director once asked them to beat it. pat came the reply, "you're quiet a bastard", aren't you!
yes. that was a six year old.
Moving blog, Pink. Especially the tea in bed bit.
lovely post pink
and a confession: can't get over some songs from my school assembly: humko mann ki shakti dena being represntive of the genre. have it on my ipod and listen to it on my way to work.
hey poison: that's a scary picture you paint there! but yeah, you're's wisen up or rface extinction.
methinks: thanks for dropping by! i love the morning chai routine myself. am going back to my humdrum existence soon, so gonna make the most of this pampering!
nm: what can i say? bring back corporal punishment for the little shits?
ladywriter: yeah you'd love the tea in bed bit. you lazy woman!!
lemon: you're saying that maybe the tears were a result of the song and not the kids? that makes more sense actually...:-)
Nice job Pink..what ur mom is doing...
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