name: that girl in pink
location: Somewhere, India
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005


hey all!

thanks for all the answers. (especially the hurricane naming thing - who knew there actually was a method to the madness!)

am still not convinced about AB junior's appeal! one of the many unsolved mysteries of my life.

the electrical appliances thing is a good one! we can safely blame that on murphy with all his stupid laws.

i have one more question: hollywood stars get to make out, be naked and pretty much do everything but have sex with their co-stars in movies. why then, do they keep cheating on their partners?

Posted by that girl in pink  | 8:03 pm  |  3 comments  


at 11:02 am Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! Now I don't see any quick answer to this "quickie"!!!
Me thinks it cud be on account of the perennial desire to want "more"...


at 1:12 am Blogger Vijayeta said...

'Cos, obviously the "everything but have sex" isnt enough! And having sex would definitely be bonafide cheating! So there...
By the way, i'm in Delhi finally :D And loving every minute here! Are you still here?

at 7:58 pm Blogger lemontree said...

and i even wonder what even qualifies as cheating and what is ok.
you know like take hollywood for example- if jeniffer was to date ross (cant rem his real name)- what would really be there first kiss??

btw happy new year pink!
this is from my blogger id to yours :)


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